National Pet Month Is Here!
May is National Pet Month (aka the best month EVER!!!), so we’re kicking it off with some of the things we love the most about pets. Here is your excuse to spend a day, or even the whole month, spoiling your furry family. Let’s be honest though… you probably don’t need an excuse.
There are so many wonderful things about pets - we couldn’t choose just one! To celebrate National Pet Month, we wanted to share 3 of our furvorite things about a life with a pet.

Unconditional Love
One of the most special things about the bond between a pet and their parents is the unconditional love shared between the two of them. Pets don’t care if you’re sweaty and stinky, if you’re old or young, or what you look like. All they care about is making you happy, getting some tummy rubs, and occasionally a treat. Pets teach us that we’re worth love and worthy of happiness in our lives - and they’re darn good at it too!
Pets are a fantastic companion - whether you’re looking to just come home to a purring kitty and some company, or a buddy to take a hike with, pets are there. Pets are able to change lives. They can be a best friend and someone to spend time with - or they can help you make a friend! If you have a pet that you take outside, you’ve likely had conversations with people, or even made friends, because of your pet! They are a great conversation starter, and can help you find similar interests. There’s a reason they’re called “Man’s Best Friend!”
Improve Your Health
One of our favorite things about having a pet are all the wonderful health benefits that come with having one! It’s likely easy to think of all the ways your pet has helped you - who wants to take a walk outside every day, rain or shine, without a pet?!
Well, unsurprisingly, there are so many other health benefits to having a pet that you likely never thought of! Animals can reduce your cortisol levels just by spending a few minutes with them, which in turn lowers blood pressure levels. Animals also significantly reduce symptoms in certain mental health cases. Having an animal to give you purpose in life and a routine, provide a distraction from symptoms that come with mental health struggles, or even just be someone to hug, can change someone’s life for the better.
Not Sure How To Celebrate?
There’s so many pawsome things you can do to celebrate your pet! Whether you take them on an adventure, treat them to some new goodies, or just whip them up a treat that they’ll love! Here’s some ideas to spoil your pet with:
New Goodies
Sometimes, all your furry friend wants is a new bed or toy! Here’s some of our top selling goodies to spoil your fur baby with.
Calming Cuddler Long Fur Donut Dog Bed
Double Decker Playground
Your cat will love the FurHaven Tiger Tough Double Decker Playground cat tree! It features two separate enclosed cat condos, a Cat-IQ busy box, dangling mouse toy, sisal scratching posts, a dangling ball and springy-wand ball cat toys!
Plush and Suede Sofa Dog Bed
Perfect for pets young and old, the FurHaven Plush and Suede Sofa-Style Pet Bed is designed to provide your loved one with their own cozy couch for a good night's rest.
New Adventures
Why not take your fur baby on an adventure?! One of the best things you can do to treat them is to spend quality time with them. Here’s a few pet friendly activities you can do together:

New Treats
Want to put a little extra love into spoiling your pet? Make them a homemade treat! You can spend the time adding their furvorite ingredients - and they’ll definitely taste the love and effort you put into them.