How To Be Ready For An Emergency With Your Pet
No one likes to think about emergencies happening to them, but it's better to be prepared for when they hit. You may have a bag of supplies for you and your family- but what about your pet?

Let's go through what you need to create an emergency plan for your pet. The number one thing you need is a bag full of all their emergency supplies that will be easy to grab. Stash it next to your emergency preparedness bag for easy access. In this bag should be the following:
- A copy of your pet's vet records in case they're needed to stay somewhere such as a hotel or boarding facility. Make sure it includes the rabies vaccine! If you want more information about pet vaccinations, check out our blog on the subject!
- A bag of your pet's dry food in case you'll be gone from home for more than a day
- An extra bottle of your pet's medication
- Poop bags
- Extra leash
- A blanket or coat for your pet if you live in a cold environment, or if your pet is short haired
- A bag of treats that you'll switch out occasionally to make sure they're not expired
- A large water supply
Another important thing to have ready is an evacuation plan for your pet. Most shelters and hotels in times of crisis will not allow many (or any) temporary guests, so it is good to have a friend or relative on standby who can take care of your furry friends. In a more widespread disaster, it is important to know that if you have to move
If there's anything else that you think would help your pet in a time of crisis or need, add it to the bag! Or, talk to your vet about what they would recommend to add to your emergency plan.
Have more questions? Read this article for more about how to prepare an emergency first-aid kit for your pet, or check out this article from Red Cross about general disaster preparedness.