As the holidays near and we start to think of our favorite dishes, it's important to remember that dogs can't enjoy all the same treats as we can! It may be tempting to sneak them some of that delicious stuffing, but let's first make sure they can have some. Below we've listed some food items that your dog can partake in from the table.

The main course of many Thanksgiving feasts, this delicious treat is ok for your dog! Make sure to remove bones, excess skin, and fat and stick to the white meat. Gobble gobble!
Green Beans

Most fresh vegetables make a great treat for your pet in daily life, green beans included. Give your dog some to snack before you make the casserole and they'll be ever so grateful. Avoid feeding them beans in casserole form as the casserole could contain ingredients harmful to dogs.

Sadly your pet can't enjoy a slice of pumpkin pie with you, but they can have plain canned pumpkin! This delicious treat is also great to aid your pup's digestion.
Sweet Potatoes

Your dog can have sweet potatoes cooked or prepared plain. But hold the marshmallows and browns sugar- Those are just for you and your human friends, as they can make your dog sick and can also be a choking hazard.

This one is a good year round treat for all! Slice up an apple and remove the core and there you go! Apple pie may be too sweet for your dog, but they won't know the difference and you can feel good about giving it to them.

Please remember that your pets do not require this food as they receive all of their nutritional needs from their daily meals. Always watch what's in the recipe- onions and garlic along with some other spices can be toxic to dogs. Too much fat or drippings can cause your dog to have an upset stomach, and no one wants that! Anything with Xylitol is never to be given to your pets. This is a highly toxic substance to them. Avoid these problematic ingredients, and you should have a great collection of foods to help in including your pets in the Thanksgiving fun!
If you ever have questions or concerns about if you can feed something to your pet always check with your vet first. This information is not meant to take the place of a conversation with a vet and FurHaven is not liable for anything you feed your pet.